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Terms of Use


These terms and conditions govern your access to and use of the website identified by any hosts within the domain name (“the Site”). In consideration of you being given access to the Site upon these terms of use, you agree with Oxprop Group Ltd. whose registered office is at 6th Floor, 25 Farringdon Street, London EC4A 4AB, to access and use the Site strictly in accordance with these terms of use. Do not proceed to access this Site if you do not agree to these terms of use.

Intellectual Property Rights

You will not do anything which might affect intellectual property rights in the Site its contents or software. Such rights are owned by us or our licensors and are protected by copyrights trademarks and other rights in the nature of intellectual property rights. You warrant in each case on a continuing basis that; You will not post or submit, or permit any posting or submission to the Site, of any information image or data which is;

Obscene, contrary to public morals or decency, or is not lawful truthful decent or accurate, or which infringes the rights of any third party;

You will not copy distribute publish or make derivative works from postings to or material on the Site, or the Site itself or any part of it.

We retain the right to withdraw or modify the site for legal or technical or reasons, therefore there may be times when the site is unavailable.

Any action in breach of these terms of use may result in legal action being taken against you, suspension or termination of your right to use the Site.

All warranties arising in relation to the Site or its content are to the fullest extent permissible by law excluded, and accordingly we can accept no liability for loss or damage suffered by you as a result of: Access to and/or use of the Site by you or any other visitor or member of the Site;


The contract for your use of the Site is made by you with Oxprop Group Ltd.

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