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Our vision is simple. Do better.

Despite a few new players in recent times, the approach to commercial property and travel accommodation has essentially remained unchanged for far too long.

The result is a distinct disconnect between travellers’ expectations and delivery. We recognise that traveller and the under-served market they represent. And so, a truly global and environmentally-conscious business that supports the aspirational endeavours of the purposeful traveller is born.

Commercial property uses 

- Reimagined


Reliant on old paradigms and stagnant perspectives, commercial property uses continue to ignore the rapid change around us. Covid is just the latest challenge to expose their inability to remain viable. To survive and thrive, commercial property must adapt.


By opportunistically acquiring, and repurposing or refitting, select commercial properties in development-restricted global cities to deliver on our unique accommodation brand promise.


Historical categories of travel accommodation are no longer relevant. Technology has disrupted the status quo and environmental imperatives will continue to influence investment and consumer choices.


By using our deep understanding of the exacting needs of our newly defined, purposeful traveller category to deliver consistency in both scope and quality.


Sustainable traveller
accommodation categories

- Redefined

Value for property investors

- Rediscovered


A zero-sum approach to value capture has created unbalanced and acrimonious relationships between commercial property owners, capital providers, and accommodation operators.


By bringing the key stakeholders under one roof. We actively manage and control the property assets and accommodation operations to drive enhanced value-add returns across the investment lifecycle.

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