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Property designed for returns.

Covid has thrown the world a curve ball. At the same time, it has given us a rare opportunity to invest in making the change we want to see.

 Prime commercial real estate in our target cities, which has historically been tightly held, is now appearing on the market. There is also a discernable movement away from traditional retail usage. Combined, this presents a unique, value-capture

opportunity for the visionary investor.

While travel may be limited now, it will return. When it does, experts agree, it will be a different experience.


Oxprop will be a driver of that ‘different’.


Our insights, experience and networks are creating an exciting new global accommodation category. A category that will meet the needs of the purposeful traveller, and unlock additional returns for our investors.


If you’re interested in finding out more about this investment opportunity available with Oxprop, please get in touch using the investor form below.


Disclaimer: By submitting an investment related enquiry, you warrant that you, or the represented business, qualify as a Sophisticated Investor. You also authorise your enquiry and all related information to be provided to, and handled by, our lead 3rd Party Financial Adviser,  Noble Capital Pty Ltd. (Company Number : 140480 - Incorporated in Mauritius - Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Services Commission Mauritius - Licence No. C116016025 FS-4.1 ) Information provided is general in nature and does not take into account your personal needs, circumstances or objectives. We recommend that you seek professional financial advice and read any relevant Product Disclosure Document or offer document before making an investment decision. Fees, charges and further eligibility criteria apply.

Thank you for your enquiry. A member of the team will be in touch shortly.

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